“I want to be a soldier!” A nine year old orphan named Jesús exclaimed to my wife.
Jesús had been running and playing a game with the other children from the Dibujando Una Sonrisa (Drawing a Smile) orphanage in
“Really? Do you like to pretend to be a soldier with a big gun?” said Patti, encouraging more conversation.
Jesús’ brow wrinkled, not quite understanding this comment coming from a Christian missionary. Then mustering a new enthusiasm he explained, “I want to be a soldier for God, a pastor.”
“Oh my, Jesús, how wonderful! You would be a very good pastor, too.”
“I have a friend here.” Jesús re-directed the subject as he looked out at his fellow orphanage residents playing in the street.
“Which one? Which boy is your friend?” Encouraged Patti.
Confusion again…
Jesús looked Patti in the eye and then said in a matter-of-fact ‘I can’t believe that I’m having to spell this out for you’ tone of voice, “God – He’s my friend!”
That is one of the joys in dealing with children – they can bring us back to reality in such a simple and winsome way. For Jesús, God isn’t complicated with theology and missions theory. He knows God and wants to serve Him. Period. We need to get it down that simply in our own lives, too.
Jesus… said, "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.
Matt 18:3-5 NKJV