Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Epilogue: Pedro's Cafe

For those of you following Pedro and his Cafe Celeste (post from 12/23/09), here's an update.

Pedro is still stable health-wise and that is a huge blessing to him and his family. Unfortunately, he had to close his cafe due to declining sales. He did not want to go into debt and the sales had gradually declined as the sour economy continued to tighten household budgets. I had worked with him to implement some strategies that might help the business, but it was too little too late.

Pedro's focus never was making money - it was a ministry endeavor. He now spends more of his time visiting and evangelizing. He has contemplated selling burritos from the roadside, which would be far less time consuming than the cafe, but he has not yet decided if he will do this. Nevertheless, he faithfully rises every morning to pray in the church at 6:00am and continues to host a small cell group in his home.

Continue to pray for Pedro and his health needs and his financial needs. His twice weekly dialysis treatments are very costly and they constantly are in financial need. He does receive support through the local church, but it only covers part of his medical costs. Pray also for his wife, Judith, who carries the burden of her "three" children (her blind and disabled husband and two school-aged children). She quietly serves her family without complaint and spiritually under-girds her husband and children with encouragement from God's Word.