Monday, November 23, 2009


This month I learned that my dear friend, Tomás Cho will be leaving the ministry he has at Mision Monte Horeb and starting a new ministry in Tijuana. Tomas and I have struggled together learning Spanish (he came from Korea about the same time I came from Florida) and in ministering in a culture strange to us. Remarkably, we’ve grown to be great friends, conversing in Spanish when we meet and laughing at each others’ mistakes and missteps. Thankfully, Tomás will remain in Tijuana and we’ll still see each other regularly, but I’ll miss our ministry together.

It reminds me again how much I need and desire camaraderie in my work. In Florida, I enjoyed working with my brothers and others with whom I could exchange ideas, test theories, and receive honest feedback. Of course, I have that in my marriage and with my older children (and sometimes from you young ones too – they’re usually the most honest). But my missions experience so far has found me missing close companionship like I had in Florida. Tomás has become that for me, so I’ll miss his daily familiarity with the work at Monte Horeb. I’ll miss his insights and ideas. I’ll miss how he lovingly challenges me, but respects my own abilities enough to not be dogmatic. I’m praying that God sends another ‘Tomás’ soon.

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